Friday, April 6, 2012

"The Social Network"

I have noticed so much more how our world revolves around the different ways of communication. One of those ways of communication our generation strives on is through the use of Facebook. We all use Facebook for many different reasons. When I am on Facebook, I more so enjoy seeing what my friends have been up not. NOT in a stalker way, but especially with long distance friends. It is a great way to communicate effectively. On Facebook, I present myself very casually. I do not like to showcase my life on it because Facebook is a place to communicate with others, not to get free therapy lessons by putting your life on blast. I post here and there how I am doing in life and things I look forward to or tings I really like. When others read my profile, I honestly don’t care what impression I leave. I am not obsessed with the social network because I don’t think a computer screen demonstrates who I am and how I communicate with the world very effectively. I don’t post too frequently on Facebook so I have not come across a time where I regretted posting something. My brother on the other hand posts his life away. Some of the stuff he posts has turned friends away, simply because he is so blunt about what he says. Some things are just meant for you to know, not the WORLD of social networkers. I have seen many conflicts with Facebook. Because the social network is all out there in the open, 'privacy' becomes lost because there IS NONE, even when the settings are in play. I love that the social network has become a such a big tool in this generations communication skills because it has opened doors of reuniting old relationships. But we need to understand the difference between of what is meant to keep to ourselves, or share to the world.

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