Sunday, April 15, 2012

"False Attributions"

I am guilty of making false attributions often. I am too impatient at times and I find myself in these situations more often than I should. One time I was at home getting ready to go to lunch with my boyfriend. I was all ready to go and on time. (That never happens) I was waiting in my room while I was watching television. I became lost in the show I was watching and completely lost track of time. I realized I had finished an entire episode of Law and Order, and that is about forty five minutes long. I looked at my phone and noticed he never called or texted me that he was running late so I called him. He didn’t answer the three times I called so of course I started thinking of all the false attributions about what he could be up too. Turns out he was trying to pick up a bouquet of flowers just for the heck of it and got stuck behind an accident on the freeway. I became so worked up over nothing and I still feel horrible to this day! All he wanted to do was to surprise me with flowers when I, sitting in my room freaking out on him. I wish I didn’t do this as much but my mind wanders too much!!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

"Internet Research"

The first term I typed into Google was forgiveness. The types of sites that showed up were definitions, quotes, meanings and all sorts of randomness. What I found to be interesting was there were quite a few of sites that talked about what higher power thought of forgiveness. I felt like the internet was trying to persuade everyone to forgive. If Jesus, Britney Spears, and Obama all forgive, then we should too. The next word was reconciliations. Right away the first couple of cites showed definitions and randomness. ALSO I noticed there were many cites that dealt with government in anyway shape or form. Once I came to revenge, the government atmosphere disappeared. I found this to be really really interesting. This gives the message across that the government does nothing wrong and if they do, we should forgive. Forgiveness had the most results. I think this is because our world 'strives' for peace and people are willing to share good news such as forgiveness on a daily basis.

Sunday, April 8, 2012


According to our book, revenge is a behavior based on the notion, "an eye for an eye. “One wants to follow evil with more evil. When a conflict occurs and is not solved effectively with any of the concepts the book has provided us, revenge can occur. I recently watched a movie called, "Never Back Down,' and I saw an interesting side to revenge. The movie talks about never giving up in something you believe in. The main character Jake trains at a Mixed Martial Arts gym, and one of the rules is to never fight outside the gym or you will be kicked out. In the meantime at school, the bully brutally beats up Jakes best friend. Jake decided to retaliate and wants a fair fight with him. Jakes trainer tries to stop Jake because he doesn’t want Jake to fight out of revenge. Jake said that he is not fighting because he wants to, but he is fighting to stand up to the bully and attempt to stop what he has been doing. I found this interesting because it is so true. Revenge usually takes place in a negative environment, but Jake simply wants justice e for what has been happening.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


Forgiving someone is something that does not come easily and naturally to everyone. I happen to be one of those people who forgive really easily. I must say it does not take one apology for me to be fine and dandy, but I know that no one is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes. I do have one event in my life that I have yet to forgive the other person. Growing up I was best friends with a girl named Sarah. We have known each other since we were about three years old. We got along really well because our personalities clicked. I am very outgoing and not afraid and she was more shy and timid. Usually those personalities do not complement each other well, but they did in our friendship. She always calmed me down in situations, and I always stood up for her. As we grew older we were more like sisters than best friends. We lived out of each other’s closets and houses. Once Sarah got a boyfriend though, our friendship turned for the worst. He was very mentally abusive toward her and tried to run her life the way he wanted. I of course wanted to step in and stand up for her, but she didn’t see the big picture. Still to this day we are not friends because of it. I tried way too many times, and stuck my neck out for her, but all she wanted was him. Thankfully, she is not with him today, yet she still hasn’t tried to fix our friendship. That is why I have not forgiven her. I can’t keep waiting for her to realize what really went on, but why should I keep trying if she doesn’t seem to want too? Forgiving someone else comes naturally to me, but it takes two to solve an issue.

Friday, April 6, 2012

"The Social Network"

I have noticed so much more how our world revolves around the different ways of communication. One of those ways of communication our generation strives on is through the use of Facebook. We all use Facebook for many different reasons. When I am on Facebook, I more so enjoy seeing what my friends have been up not. NOT in a stalker way, but especially with long distance friends. It is a great way to communicate effectively. On Facebook, I present myself very casually. I do not like to showcase my life on it because Facebook is a place to communicate with others, not to get free therapy lessons by putting your life on blast. I post here and there how I am doing in life and things I look forward to or tings I really like. When others read my profile, I honestly don’t care what impression I leave. I am not obsessed with the social network because I don’t think a computer screen demonstrates who I am and how I communicate with the world very effectively. I don’t post too frequently on Facebook so I have not come across a time where I regretted posting something. My brother on the other hand posts his life away. Some of the stuff he posts has turned friends away, simply because he is so blunt about what he says. Some things are just meant for you to know, not the WORLD of social networkers. I have seen many conflicts with Facebook. Because the social network is all out there in the open, 'privacy' becomes lost because there IS NONE, even when the settings are in play. I love that the social network has become a such a big tool in this generations communication skills because it has opened doors of reuniting old relationships. But we need to understand the difference between of what is meant to keep to ourselves, or share to the world.